
 Apache suEXEC

Apache suEXEC ENABLED.     In a Shared Hosting Environment - most of the PHP Settings cannot...

 Is PHP running as a CGI script or as an Apache module?

PHP is run as CGI, using FastCGI (fci).   Here is our Shared Hosting PHP Spec Sheet:...

 PHP Cannot modify header information

If you are getting the PHP Error: Cannot modify header information Please CONSULT the PHP MANUAL...

 PHP Max Post Size for cPanel PHP in Megabytes

PHP Max Post Size for cPanel PHP in Megabytes: 55M     In a Shared Hosting Environment -...

 PHP Max Upload Size for cPanel PHP

PHP Max Upload Size for cPanel PHP: 50M     In a Shared Hosting Environment - most of the...

 PHP Memory Limit Error

In a Shared Hosting Environment - most of the PHP Settings cannot be changed.Please read the...

 PHP Modules

  Here are the PHP Modules installed on all servers.If a module IS NOT listed - it is either NOT...

 PHP Version

Please see our Shared Hosting PHP Spec Sheet:...

 PHP max execution time for cPanel PHP execution in seconds

PHP max execution time for cPanel PHP execution in seconds: 90     In a Shared Hosting...

 PHP settings that cannot be changed for shared web hosting accounts

In a Shared Hosting Environment - most of the PHP Settings cannot be changed.Please read the...

 Sending Email via PHP

Path to sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail Here is a SIMPLE TEST PHP Sendmail Script: <?php$to...

 Warning: require_once ERRORS

Here is the PHP Manual regarding this Error: http://php.net/manual/en/function.require-once.php...

 ioncube PHP loader

We USE ioncube PHP loader.   Here is our Shared Hosting PHP Spec Sheet:...


memory_limit: 32M     In a Shared Hosting Environment - most of the PHP Settings cannot be...

 php open_basedir Protection

php open_basedir Protection: ENABLED   In a Shared Hosting Environment - most of the PHP...


register_globals are OFF.   In a Shared Hosting Environment - most of the PHP Settings cannot...


safe_mode: Off     In a Shared Hosting Environment - most of the PHP Settings cannot be...

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