What happens if I forget to renew and my domain expires?
When a domain expires through us, it becomes inactive immediately, a parking page is displayed, and all the services attached to it, such as a website and/or email cease to function.
It is not possible to make any updates to the domain while it is expired.
Currently, we offer a non-guaranteed 29-day grace period for renewal for all .com .net and .org domain registrations / renewals.
There is no guaranteed grace period.
Once a domain expires, we may dispose of it at any time according to the registration agreement.
After the grace period elapses, the domain may go into a Redemption Grace Period (this will cause HIGHER FEES to be added).
We suggest you keep track of your domain expiration dates and renew well in advance to avoid unintentional down time or loss of the name.
Courtesy emails are sent out 45 days prior to expiration to warn you of the impending expiration. Once you renew the domain, all previous settings will be recovered and the domain will be active.
Renewal years are always added to the end of the current registration period (i.e., the new expiration date is the same whether you renew two months early or the day before expiration), so you will never lose time on your domain by renewing early.